Dear Three Wise Men(?):
I´ve been a good girl this year(?) so I thing you guys must give me all Im requesting to you ^^ . This is the list of the pretty/cool/necesary/ things I
- Yamagoku´s DJ & fanfictions
- The C.W. movies *cuz I lost mines =/*
- The Takumi-kun series (I, II Y III)
- A HyunjoonxJugmin Fanfiction *& more fanservice of them*
- A DonghaexMinho Fanfiction
- A MinhoxJonghyun Fanfiction
- A good TaeyangxG-dragon fanfiction
- Inspiration to finish my TOPGD fanfiction *this is the hardest*
- Money ^^ *angel face*
- Coffe-flavor condoms *cuz Tock used the last one ;O;*
- A new bed
- One(?) asian boyfriend *this is not very important*
- A new digital camera ^^
- TOP´s solo CD
- An earring for my future percing(?) 8D
I know is a little long but, c´mon you´re three! I know you can do it! ^^
Cookies & Milk for you guys =)
PD. Matti says he wants a pretty&naked korean pop-idol under his bed ^^
With love: Sunnie Kim ~
3 comentarios:
Melchor :
OMG! please tell matti that baltazar is going to be under his bed in january seven D: because we can miss january six D: we have to made a hard work so, he has to wait.
For you D: we aren't sure if you deserve all D: because you came late to your house many times when you go out with hato acapulco.
8059 dj ? of course you have D, i mean, i the best dj drawer of that fandom 8D i'll do my best making more * hearts*
Baltzar :
* making stranges things* * something explote*
OMG D: I DO IT I DO IT!!! * show her*
Look at this! because this is one of the most unbreakable condoms of coffe that you ever prove/ use/ eat ok no xD
We can be bad with because you so cute so, tomorrow we're going to give you everything little girl xD
*3* cya!
P.- Our englihs sucks! but we know that you can understand us because you red a lot of por... books 8D
jojojo ok, that's another, but me, one of your loved ones oppas kings, Balthazar the most handsome and rich chocolate that 8D I'm give all your wishes! cof cof (that too is another) 8D but before that, I owe you ask that question: you have behaved well? * scat *
Na, I know you've been good, so you'll have the doujins, fics, bed, CW films TOP CD and everything you have asked only one thing I can not give, I'm poor, but very handsome * w * but the money will have to wait, and Matty, tell him to poke down your bed, you will have a big surprise x3
thanks for the milk and cookies king takes leave your handsome oppa
I´m from Africa I’m bad English!! XD
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